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Beyond the Bell

At Central Lutheran, we offer a structured after-school program for our students in preschool through 8th grade.

This program was designed to serve the families of CLS in multiple ways:


  • Provide children with a safe, structured environment.

  • Allow children to focus on academics with time to complete homework, read, and receive assistance.

  • Fill a childcare need expressed by the families of CLS.

  • Encourage positive social interaction that will help strengthen interpersonal skills through gameplay, creativity, and expression.


3:00pm - 5:30pm 


$5.00 per hour


Please feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to getting to know you and making Chargers Beyond the Bell a wonderful experience for your family.


Melanie Secrist - Beyond the Bell Director   

260-493-2502  x345


After-school care is located in the Cafeteria/Auxiliary Gym/Playground and is charged in 30-minute intervals.

Late pick up charge: between 5:31pm - 5:45pm -$10; $5 for each additional 5 minutes after that.


Afternoon Procedures: Students will proceed directly to the cafeteria. Any child not picked up by 3:00pm will be sent to Chargers Beyond the Bell until the parent arrives. Each child will need to be signed out of after school care and only parents/family members listed on the authorized pick-up list will be allowed to sign out each child. When sending a snack, it is strongly recommended that parents send a healthy snack. After school, there will be snacks provided for the students. If you would like to provide your child with a certain snack, you are welcome to do so.


Chargers Beyond the Bell rules are essential to providing a safe environment for our students. All school rules must be followed at extended care. School rules are available for review in the school handbook. Please leave personal belongings at home or in your Backpack - (cell phones will not be permitted during after school care). 


Illness/Emergency Procedure: Children who become ill, possibly contagious, or who develop a fever while in Chargers Beyond the Bell will be sent home. A staff member will notify the parent of a child's illness. If a parent cannot be reached, the child's emergency contact will be notified to pick up the child. It is expected that the child will be picked up as soon as possible. Until the parent arrives the child will be excluded from activities with other children and will rest quietly under the supervision of a staff member. If a serious medical emergency exists requiring medical treatment beyond what can be provided at school to maintain safety and or/life, the student will be transported by EMS to the emergency room of the nearest hospital, and the child's emergency contact will be notified.


After care is available for all student athletes to help families bridge the time between after school and team practice time.  The student will be allowed to go change for practice 15 minutes before practice begins and coaches will need to stop by after care to pick up student so that after care can release supervision of the student to the coach. Standard Beyond the Bell rate will apply while the student is under Beyond the Bell Supervision.


Options for payment include:
1) Check made out to :
Central Lutheran Beyond the Bell

2) Cash - Envelope with name and with services being paid for.

3) Credit Card or ACH payments through the FACTS Family Portal


4)Create a Bank Payee


Setting up Central Beyond the Bell as a bank payee.  

Use the following information:

Central Lutheran School
Beyond the Bell 
900 Green St 
New Haven, IN


Use your five digit clock in and out for your account number
Memo - Beyond the Bell (if you have that option)

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